Friday, March 2, 2018

Germinating Lithops Seeds Day 6

Yehey! On day 6 of germinating my lithops seeds (in the Philippines), only one seed germinated - the one that sprouted on the previous day. But the new seedling grew.  Oooh this one is a fast grower. It is sooo green.

I did not fret much because, like people and flowers, some lithops sprout early, and some are late. The seeds are viable upto 10 years, so we have around 9 more years to wait for these to turn into beautiful lithops.

One thing I noticed today is that dust-like particles seem to have appeared on the cotton. I'm not sure if these are dusts or bacteria, because some bacteria look like dusts. They are very few so I just ignored.

Here are my day 6 photos.

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